Abide by the manual - Always work on your vehicle as guided by its user manual. It keeps you from doing any harm.

Check Oil & Oil Filter- Ensure your ride is never low on oil. Also, make sure the oil filter is properly clean & free of debris.

Inspect Tires Regularly- Wheels are prone to damage, so always check them for wear, tear & pressure.

Car Battery - Always do weekly checks on your car battery. Make sure it is charged, corrosion-free & functions properly.

Look For Brake Pads- Check your brake pads daily for wear & tear and replace them ASAP if any issue arises.

Replace Brake Fluid- Always flush out the old fluid before filling it up with the new. It is good to do it every 2 years.

Replace Air Filter- The air filter is responsible for your engine hygiene. Over time it has debris buildup. So, replace it once a year.

Spark Plug- A faulty spark plug will put more burden on your engine. So, have the spark plug inspected once a month to be prepared.