
Setting Up a Comfortable Showroom For Visitors


The showroom is an integral part of the journey when buying a car. When done well, they’re tranquil, clean spaces with helpful staff on-hand in case you want to enquire further about a particular car. If you’re keen to know exactly what makes a great showroom, keep reading.

Great staff who are attentive and friendly is imperative

Good customer service is everything, to the extent that one bad experience can negatively impact how someone sees the product or service you are selling. It reflects on the brand as a whole, so it’s important to make sure your staff is aware of this, encouraging them to help ease prospective customers in by being polite, but not overbearing. People might want to browse in peace.

Make sure your team is well-informed and on hand to answer any questions people might have. Offering a tour for those who would like it is another way to make customers feel comfortable while opening up the all-important conversation about what it is you can provide them.


Make sure that the layout is customer-friendly

When it comes to laying out your showroom, it’s important to think about the customer journey. Which layout makes the most sense and how can you make the space look aesthetically pleasing and uncluttered?

If your showroom filters into multiple rooms, you can add door stops from suppliers like RS to make sure you don’t obstruct their route. This will mean people continue the set-up more seamlessly. It’s all about taking the customer through a journey, so considering this when designing the layout will work in your favor. 

Display everything clearly

At the end of the day, your showroom is like a more toned-down sales pitch, showcasing the cars you have to offer. Some showrooms are pop-ups and aren’t permanently placed there, so it’s important to make an impact instantly, as most people may not return.


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If you have additional information on display, such as leaflets or posters, make sure they are displayed well so that they capture people’s attention. It’s always good to give people marketing materials they can take home. 

Allow those viewing the cars to test-drive  

Try before you buy – it’s an age-old saying and it’s still extremely valid, with studies backing it up. If you offer visitors the chance to test-drive your vehicles, you’ll be in a far more advantageous position.  


At the end of the day, it’s just as important to see how the car feels as it is to look at. Sometimes just looking at a car can make people feel distant from it, but once behind the wheel, they’re more likely to form an attachment, which bodes well for clinching that final sale. It will also increase the trust between you and the customer.  

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